Focus of the Foundation

The Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions (RMU) Foundation is a registered 501(C)(3) non-profit organization with the purpose of securing funding resources for Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions (RMUoHP) educational and research programs, student scholarships, and healthcare clinics through engagement of alumni, individuals, corporations, foundations, and the community that result in relationships leading to philanthropic gifts to the RMUoHP Foundation.

RMU Health Clinics

RMU’s clinics serve two functions: Serving the community with high-quality affordable health care and providing opportunities for students to get more hands-on experiences with actual patients who need care.

The Center for Communication Disorders (CCD) is an integral part of the Master of Science in Medical Speech & Language Pathology (MS MedSLP) program at Rocky Mountain University. It provides knowledge and skills in all diagnostic categories contained in the scope of practice including language, voice and resonance, feeding and swallowing, communication modalities, cognition, fluency, speech sound production, social communication, and auditory rehabilitation.

Complex and relevant instrumentation is required to provide both assessment and treatment options.

Funding for SLP Equipment Listed Needed: $102,253

The Community Rehabilitation Clinic (CRC) is the first of its kind in Utah County dedicated to serving the uninsured and underserved citizens of Utah County needing physical therapy. Located in Provo, treats patients with a variety of physical therapy needs. Our trained and highly skilled staff are licensed, qualified practitioners of physical therapy assisted by doctoral and pre-PT students from Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, Brigham Young University, and Utah Valley University. The Clinic is dependent upon support from foundations, corporations, municipal organizations, and individuals for equipment and operational costs. For more information, see Additional funding needed to keep the Clinic operational 40 hours per week: $150,000
The Rocky Mountain University Counseling Clinic provides accessible and high-quality mental health counseling services with a focus on promoting mental health, well-being, resilience, and personal growth to clients anywhere in the state of Utah via remote services or in-person sessions at the clinic located in Provo.
The Eye Institute offers a variety of comprehensive eye services using advanced precision medical equipment to diagnose and treat vision problems.

Student Scholarships

Most of RMU students have expenses beyond tuition, including room and board, books, and other costs. In addition to student loans, a few students in financial need are desperate for scholarships to help close the gap between their expected family contribution (if there is any) and the cost of attendance. Need-based scholarships are critical for these students to complete their degrees and move into the clinical phase of their lives.

Currently, the Scholarship office offers eight separate scholarships, including merit and dependent care. Additional need-based scholarships are needed for students who experience emergencies, a sudden drop in funding, or are classified as underserved. For more information on RMU scholarships see:

Scholarship Support Needed Annually – $300,000

RMU Research

The Foundation is dedicated to providing an environment that cultivates and supports student and faculty research. Our goals:

  • To provide an understanding of the environment where health science professionals may practice and prepare themselves to further the scholarship of discipline.
  • To educate students and encourage faculty to critically evaluate and conduct research that will contribute to science and practice of health sciences. This research will contribute to the science and practice of various health sciences.
  • To encourage research that is ethically sound and grounded in evidence-based science.
  • To develop faculty and student teaching, leadership, mentorship, service, and research that adds to and extends their professional/academic knowledge.
  • To master both the breadth of health sciences discipline and depth of their respective professional areas of scholarship.
  • To work collaboratively with professionals, researchers, scholars and partner institutions to foster the most conducive atmosphere for both student and faculty research.

Our future funding needs include dissertation, capstone, or scholarly projects, faculty research projects and laboratory equipment maintenance and upgrades.

Estimated Annual Cost: $250,000